10th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology in concurrent with ICT Excellence Awards (ICICT 2025) will be held at London, United Kingdom | February 18 - 21 2025.
Friday February 21, 2025 4:15pm - 5:45pm GMT

Authors - Herrera Nelson, Paul Francisco Baldeon Egas, Gomez-Torres Estevan, Sancho Jaime
Abstract - Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is the economic core of the country where commercial, administrative, and tourist activities are concentrated. With population growth, the city has undergone major transformations resulting in traffic congestion problems that affect health, cause delays in daily activities, and increase pollution levels among other inconveniences. Over time, important mobility initiatives have been implemented such as traffic control systems, monitoring, construction of peripheral roads, and the "peak and license plate" measure that restricts the use of vehicles during peak hours according to their license plate, a strategy also adopted in several Latin American countries. However, these actions have not been enough, and congestion continues to increase, causing discomfort to citizens. Given this situation, the implementation of a low-cost computer application has been proposed that allows identifying traffic situations in real time and making decisions to improve this problem using processed data from the social network Twitter and traffic records from the city of Quito.
Paper Presenters
Friday February 21, 2025 4:15pm - 5:45pm GMT
Virtual Room A London, United Kingdom

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