10th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology in concurrent with ICT Excellence Awards (ICICT 2025) will be held at London, United Kingdom | February 18 - 21 2025.
Wednesday February 19, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am GMT

Authors - Jaya Chitranshi, Rajiv Divekar, Reena (Mahapatra) Lenka
Abstract - ‘Performance management’ should be the focus of any institution of ‘higher education’ to achieve its sublime objective of educating, training and steering mature minds. The purpose of transforming students into high-performance individuals can be achieved completely, when there are certain checkpoints and steps to the process of ‘‘performance management’’. The paper attempts to identify existing gaps in literature with respect to ‘performance management’ in ‘higher education’. This research paper proposes a nine-step model of ‘performance management’ for increasing performance of students in ‘higher education’. These steps are (i.) Goal-setting, where the targets should be set for students for one term; (ii.) Coaching and guiding, that should be done to make students achieve the goals set; (iii) Performance measurement, that should be done to assess performance with respect to goals set; (iv) Mentoring, that should be done to help students explore their strengths/potential/chances/ opportunities of improving performance with respect to set goals; (v) Counselling, that should be done to help students identify areas where they still lag or where their potential is still not used; to improve performance with respect to specific goals set; (vi) Performance measurement, that should be done to assess performance again; (vii) Performance Aggregate for the goal(s), that should be measured with respect to a specific goal, and for all goals then combined; (viii) Reward/ Advisory, that should be decided based on the aggregate of performance; (ix) New Goal(s)/ Revising and recalibrating goals-Based on the reward/ advisory and the aggregate of performance, new goals can be set/goals can be revised or recalibrated for the next term. It is extremely essential that ‘continuous feedback’ be provided to students in ‘higher education’ institutions, so that students get a clear direction towards improving their performance.
Paper Presenters
Wednesday February 19, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am GMT
Virtual Room A London, United Kingdom

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