10th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology in concurrent with ICT Excellence Awards (ICICT 2025) will be held at London, United Kingdom | February 18 - 21 2025.
Authors - Luz Norma Caisal, Mocha-Bonilla Julio A. Abstract - The so-called digital era in which we live together with Learning and Knowledge Technologies (LKT) have radically transformed the form and methods of teaching and learning, LKT are tools that have evolved digital teaching towards the creation of learning experiences personalized and meaningful. One of the application contexts focuses on the teaching of Physical Education, an area that presents a wide variety of strategies in the teaching-learning process, therefore, Physical Education is an area where various technological tools can be incorporated for teaching. and practice of Physical Education. We worked with a group of students belonging to the third year of the Unified General Baccalaureate, the sample was made up of 84 students, who are aged ±16 years, as an instrument a structured questionnaire with polytomous questions distributed in three sections was used, the processing and Data analysis was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics version 24 package. The results in the first section reflect that students feel satisfied or very satisfied when practicing physical education; In the second section, it could be assumed that 89% of the students, the vast majority, used, applied and improved their learning thanks to learning and knowledge technologies in the physical education teaching process; Finally, in the third section, the use of the most used technological tools such as Genially, Google Meet, Kahoot, Moodle platform, Prezi and Socrative is emphasized. It is concluded that in physical education the application of Kinovea in physical education processes is essential to improve movement human.