10th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology in concurrent with ICT Excellence Awards (ICICT 2025) will be held at London, United Kingdom | February 18 - 21 2025.
Wednesday February 19, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm GMT
Authors - Azam Syukur Rahmatullah, Nurul Fithriyah Awaliatul Laili, Akbar Nur Aziz
Abstract - This study explores the root of social pathologies in the industrial era 4.0, which young and old adolescents in Indonesia carry out. Social pathological behavior that is carried out is quite dangerous to the existence of the nation and state if not handled early. This type of research is qualitative research that is directly studied in the field to find out what causes social pathologies in this industrial era 4.0 and how to solve them. The research approach is phenomenology because it wants to thoroughly explore three (3) informants, experts in the parenting field, taken from the Yogyakarta area of Indonesia, who were interviewed directly by the researcher. The data obtained was then analyzed in depth with phenomenological analysis. The study results show several anomalous social behaviors in the industry 4.0 era caused by parenting in families that are not positive. Hence, they continue until adolescence, adulthood, and even old age. Inconsistency in parenting and failure in parenting cause children to grow into unhealthy individuals and have sick souls so that on their way, they become people who deviate from their behavior. Therefore, healthy and positive parenting must be encouraged early, including in rural and urban areas. Some positive parenting movement programs that should be implemented early on include creating a healthy parenting movement nationally, creating village and city parenting homes nationally, and making instructors and families healthy home companions nationally.
Paper Presenters
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Wednesday February 19, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm GMT
Virtual Room B London, United Kingdom

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