10th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology in concurrent with ICT Excellence Awards (ICICT 2025) will be held at London, United Kingdom | February 18 - 21 2025.
Tuesday February 18, 2025 12:45pm - 1:00pm GMT
Authors - Bouchra Essounaini, Abderrahim Bajit, Meryam Melhaoui, Hicham Essamri, Youness Zahid, Abdelhadi Allali, Rachid El Bouayadi
Abstract - The decline in the quality of agricultural products is a worrying phenomenon that results from several factors such as intensification of industrial agriculture, soil exhaustion, climate change, and transformation and storage practices. Awareness of these issues is crucial to reversing the trend and improving again the quality of agricultural products. This situation can lead to disruptions with varying impacts on the quality of agricultural products. This paper discusses an optimized method to improve information integrity in IOT agricultural platforms based on watermarking and blockchain technique. The purpose of this method is to hide a farming plant’s objective data in the subjective one and allows for the creation of a secure and transparent agricultural data ecosystem. A farming company uses IoT sensors. The sensor data is digitally tattooed and then recorded in a blockchain. The information can be accessed by regulators to verify that the crops comply with current standards, and consumers can view the complete production history of the product, ensuring its quality and authenticity. The combination of blockchain and watermarking in the agricultural sector provides a powerful framework to ensure the authenticity and integrity of data, guaranteeing its traceability while protecting it from any unauthorized manipulation, enhancing transparency, trust, and efficiency in the agricultural supply chain. This paper aims to optimize PAYLAOD integrity protection in IOT platforms by deploying an innovative and visually optimized watermarking coding that perceptually hides a plant’s objective data in the subjective one. This is done with a view to offering green, and secured solutions to agricultural greenhouse defense and human security. Based on the human visual system quality properties, our innovative solution downsizes the PAYLOAD’s size, improves its coding quality, reduces the energy consumption and time costs.
Paper Presenters
Tuesday February 18, 2025 12:45pm - 1:00pm GMT
Fleet Suite - 1D America Square Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom

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